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滨州市中立不锈钢索具有限公司(原无棣县无棣镇精密不锈钢制品厂)始建于1992年,位于无棣县城棣新五路七号。公司技术力量雄厚,始终坚持科技创新,先后引进、开发、研制110余种产品投入国际市场,其中34种产品为我公司自主研发。“不锈钢索具系列新产品开发”获滨州市科技成果奖。公司被滨州市评为“星火示范企业”、“民营科技企业”,总经理为“星火明星企业家”。产品远销日、韩、欧、美及东南亚等国家和港台地区。公司以“科技兴企、打造精品”为宗旨,坚持奉行“以质求胜、诚信为本”的经营理念,愿与海内外广大朋友携手共赢。 Binzhou zhongli rigging stainless steel products CO.,LTD.(formerly WUDI country WUDI town stainless steel precision production factory) was built in 1992,located at No.7 Dixin 5th Avenue.Our company has strong technical bases and always adhere to scientific and technological innovation has introduced and developed more than 110 kinds of products into the international market,of which 34 kinds are for the company's own reseach."Series of rigging stainless steel new products"were agreed Binzhou Sci... [详细介绍]